This holiday should be everyday…

National Hugging Day

January Sunday 21st – Why it should be everyday…

There are so many national days, some serious, some funny.  I hadn’t heard of this one until this year, but it is close to my heart: National Hugging Day.  It was the idea of an American in 1986. Rev. Kevin Zaborney saw a need to cheer up others in the days following the December holidays. January 21st was selected because it was mid-way between Christmas and Valentines Day.   This holiday has since spread to other nations and is gaining in popularity.

Rev. Zaborney was a smart man because turns out hugging is good for you in many ways.  It’s known to reduce stress but also by promoting chemical changes, can improve immunity.  People’s happiness is improved by other chemical changes too. If you want more details, ask your computer’s AI. It truly is amazing.

But also hugging strengthens the bonds of friendship.  I started several decades ago signing off my letters and cards Hugs, Penny.  I now do it for my texts to friends too.  I make cards using stamps. I now have a collection of different sizes and fonts of this symbolic word. Who knew hugging could do so much?  I grew up giving and receiving hugs and had no clue they might be improving someone’s health. They just always felt so good.

So today, be it National Hugging Day or not, make sure you give a hug to your loved ones that are by your side. For the others send a text, email or (hint hint) a card and end it with a hug.

Happy Hugging Day!



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